The Liiver region includes Ilmajoki, Jalasjärvi and Seinäjoki, which have a total of 60 rural villages and 15 residential areas. Liiveri is a credit package for the villages, as projects have been financed in almost every village. In addition, Liiver's village expert has been sparring with villages and districts in their development for ten years.
The development of the villages is based on the desire to promote the residents' activity and improve the villages' comfort and everyday safety. A huge amount of voluntary work is done in the villages, which creates well-being in their surroundings. Village activities also strengthen community spirit and root residents in their home region. Liiveri has its own village expert who spars with villages and districts in their development matters.
Liiveri finances village development and investment projects. During twenty years, projects have been implemented in almost every village. What kind of development is needed in your village?
With the help of the 4K – Capable and sustainable partner villages project, the sense of community, safety and preparedness of living in villages is promoted. The project brings together villagers, municipalities, organizations and authorities to support the villages' ability to cope with the challenges of the future - and to enjoy the safety of everyday life.
Which of the available methods would be suitable for your village?
In the sharing economy know-how, services, tools and equipment are shared in the spirit of a country club. Sharing promotes community in the village, and saves nature and the wallet.
Neighborly help is a support network where volunteers can offer their help to help needs reported by villagers. In the neighborhood help network, help can be found nearby when it is needed, so the village's safety and sense of community increase.
To the partnership table anyone can bring their development idea to the joint discussion. In order to develop the idea, we look for the right parties in the ranks of villages, municipalities and other actors, and think about solutions and agree on responsibilities. The village's vitality and well-being are strengthened.
In the village security group the villages and different security actors meet. In the village security group, each role is made clear and care is taken that all parties are familiar with the factors related to village security. Cooperation becomes seamless and the safety and well-being of the village improves.
Village property is like an extended Kotivara 72 h. Kylävara defines the equipment level of the village hall, with which the residents can be secured in exceptional circumstances. Kylävara gathers information about first care, first aid, emergency accommodation and accommodation. Kylävara increases the security and preparedness of villages.
To the village house map the locations, equipment and reservation information of the common facilities are compiled to facilitate the planning of the use of the facilities. With the help of the map, security operators can quickly find a place to set up a command center in an emergency.
Grab the means suitable for your village to improve safety and community and get in touch!
Leader groups from Eteläpohja have applied for the Älykäs village cooperation project from the ELY center. The Future Villages 2.0 project is piloting the future of villages in three themes:
Energy villages - The village can aim for self-sufficiency and sustainability through, for example, energy surveys and renewable energy. The village can map and utilize the possibilities of renewable energy, reduce waste, strengthen the circular economy and recycling, favor local production and test new energy technologies. The village can also plan sustainable consumption trainings and community projects.
Villages of digital services - Digitality brings the world to every home. The village can develop its own digital services, use health and wellness services electronically, or create communal digital platforms. The village can also promote the residents' digital skills and combine it with the smoothness of everyday life.
Imago villages - Let's create stories from the villages that invite and inspire. The village can create a strong brand and identity that makes the village attractive. The village can shape a visual identity, implement marketing campaigns, organize community events and strengthen digital visibility.
In each theme, six villages or groups of villages are taken to pilot new operating models. Ideas are taken forward with the help of industry experts in thematic workshops. The workshops are implemented provincially, and local workshops are also held if necessary. The workshops and their expert services are free of charge for those participating in the project, and some of the development measures can be carried out within the framework of the project. Villages participating in the project for village-specific acquisitions and development activities receive increased project support: 90% support for development and 80% support for investments.
The villages participating in the project are required to commit for the entire duration of the project, until the end of 2025. You can join the project by filling out the form during March 2024 at:
The Liiver region includes Ilmajoki, Jalasjärvi and Seinäjoki, which have a total of 60 rural villages and 15 residential areas. Each village and local community has its own identity and development needs - read more on the village presentation pages!
More than 40 rooms for rent from the Ilmajoki, Jalasjärvi and Seinäjoki areas have been gathered in the party hall register maintained by Liiver. Find a space that meets your needs quickly and easily!
Village expert
050 551 0797
Development for the village? Contact Mari.
Minna and Mika from Pori bought a leisure apartment in Jalasjärvi.