
Seinäjoki Ilmajoki Jalasjärvi
Front page / Young people / Internationality

Young people and internationality

Leader is an international network. Liiveri helps young people and those who work with young people in their own area of operation to internationalize.

International projects make it possible to:
  • learn and invent new things
  • exchange experiences
  • to meet new people
  • improve language skills
  • have great experiences!

Several international projects have been implemented with Leader funding. We also provide information on other funding (e.g. Erasmus+ and Citizens' Europe Fund).

The SaYouth project

The project promotes young people's participation in decision-making and opportunities to influence. 

Skaraborg collaboration

Liiveri works closely with Sweden's Skaraborg.

Watch the video for feelings and comments of young people from Young Rural Camp in Sweden's Skaftö
Watch the participants' experiences from the study trips in the video

Participate or implement your own international project!

Were you interested? Get in touch with Telle!
Telle Lemetyinen.

Telle Lemetyinen

040 579 0615

Read news related to youth and internationality