Have you dreamed of starting a business, but you don't know how to get started? Do you have a business idea that you would like to test before becoming a full-time entrepreneur? Do you work occasionally in addition to your paid job?
Come to the Kevyetti styretajäkäs® market and get the answers to your questions!
Kevyätti srätäjäää® market 14.5. from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., in Seinäjoki Areena, is aimed at those who are interested in becoming a light and side business entrepreneur. Come and hear what side business entrepreneurship and light entrepreneurship mean and how they differ from each other.
During the market, short information bursts are available for light and side business entrepreneurs on important issues, such as taxation, accounting and work pricing. In addition, side business entrepreneurs' speeches.
The organizers of the market are Uusyrityskeskus Neuvoa-antava, Into Seinäjoki Oy and Etelä-Pohjanmaa TE toimisto. There are almost twenty exhibitors. Livery is involved in the event!