The main goal of the SoteVirittämö project is to support and train companies to develop customer-oriented, high-quality and competitive services in the changing SOTE field.
The project maps and evaluates the development needs and networking will of around one hundred SOTE micro and small businesses operating in South Ostrobothnia. During the project, four SoteVirittämö events will be organized for entrepreneurs. The events are organized in every Leader region of Southern Ostrobothnia. See detailed information in the link!
The goal of the SoteVirtittämö project is to build a Business Group project based on the needs of entrepreneurs. With the help of the company group project, companies can develop their skills and continue to be players to be reckoned with in the SOTE sector.
SoteVirittämö is managed by the Finnish Entrepreneurship College. The project is implemented by Opeva Oy (Eija-Riitta Hämäläinen) and Hyvämuusa Oy (Aila Pärnänen). Both actors have versatile training in the field and long experience in management and development tasks at SOTE and in the private and public sectors.