Would you like to know what kind of development projects are underway or already implemented? Do you need a free and reliable platform where you can communicate about the project? Rural network project register is easy to use and, thanks to its search function, a clear library of development projects, to which all development projects that have received a positive funding decision are transferred automatically.
In the project register, you can browse information about development projects financed by the rural development program. The project register opens up new opportunities for enhancing the communication of the project, because you can update the current news, results and links of the project on the project card, and even add a final report - this way you will let everyone else know about the things learned during the project. The project card could be described as a small-scale "home page" of the project.
Granting of project card editing rights takes place in Hyrrä. If you add a username to your project card today, you can already edit it tomorrow. The information in the project register comes from the information system managed by the Food Agency and is updated once a day. In addition, updating the project register requires the creation of a user ID To the pages of the rural network.