Nature and ease of living got Tiina Ventelä moved with her husband from Helsinki to Jalasjärvi in 2010. For Tiina, the move also meant a change of field and new studies. At the beginning of his new career, he got to know a retired entrepreneur and went to work for him, qualifying as a Certified Public Accountant at the same time. Today, Tiina works as an auditor in her own company. With her company, Tiina has ensured the continuation of auditing services and the availability of services close to companies.
- I really like my current job. I don't think that I would leave the industry other than to retire, says Tiina.
In her work, Tiina likes meeting people and interacting with entrepreneurs.
- You learn new things all the time. It is the salt of the work and at the same time also a challenge. You're never done, and the more you know, the more you know you don't know much of anything yet.
Via Helsinki to Ostrobothnia
Tiina from Taivalkoski studied to be a cosmetologist after high school. While working in a beautician's shop, he also became interested in business economics. She continued her studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, and after graduating as an esthetician, Tiina worked in the purchasing department of the cosmetics department of a large retail chain. In Helsinki, she also met her current husband Miko in 2005.
During the holidays, the couple visited Miko's parents in Jalasjärvi and Tiina's parents, who had moved back to Suomussalmi.
- We always thought that it would be difficult to drive back to the capital region after a vacation. Always wished she could have stayed here.
On land, the horses of Miko's relative also attracted Tiina, who classifies herself as a lucky girl.
Life in Helsinki was hectic and work was stressful. The intermediate journeys took a lot of time, even though the journeys were not long. The couple longed for nature and that there would be other life besides work. It was also a long way from Helsinki to meet the parents. A strong impetus to move came after Tiina's mother died suddenly in 2009.
Horses are close to Tiina's heart. Living in the countryside allows horse hobby close to home.
Take the reins into your own hands
The Ventels moved to Jalasjärvi the following year. There was a threshold to move because only Miko knew of work.
- Yes, those things will work out, you just have to be brave enough to make your dreams come true, Tiina encourages now.
When the move was confirmed, it also became clear that Tiina was able to continue working remotely for a year for her old employer until she was on parental leave. During his free time, he started to plan his future and change of field, because there was not such a wide demand here for the previously acquired skills. Ventelä found out in which fields there would be jobs in the future.
- From there, it became clear that there are jobs in the financial administration sector. There is a shortage of both accountants and auditors. I started to find out how to study the field. The studies had to be organized according to the life situation and the open university was a good solution, says Tiina.
At the beginning of 2013, Tiina started full-time studies while she was still on parental leave. Time for studying was taken from night classes and often even weekends were spent studying. The phase was heavy and challenging, but also rewarding.
- Numbers have always interested me, but I didn't believe in myself when I was younger. I didn't consider myself a business person then. Then, when I started studying, I got really excited about university studies.
The following year, Tiina started working in an accounting office in Jalasjärvi. The position was permanent and full-time. The employer was flexible and it was possible to continue my studies alongside work by adjusting working hours as needed.
Work as an accountant was important to Tiina because she learned the practical side of the field. He uses the same knowledge in his current work.
- When I became an accountant, the goal from the beginning was to become an auditor.
Tiina took parental leave for the second time in 2016. After this parental leave, it was already time to take the next step towards the auditor's profession, and Tiina applied for a job as an audit assistant in a larger audit firm, where she worked for a couple of years.
Competent rural entrepreneur diploma was granted on March 26, 2024 in conjunction with Liiver's annual meeting to Audittila Oy and its entrepreneur Tiina Ventela. The diploma highlights the development supported by Liiver and good practical examples.
Learn from the experienced
While working in an accounting office, Tiina had gotten to know Turo Jaakkola, who worked as an auditor. Tiina describes Turo as a very professional and well-liked person, about whom you always hear only positive things.
Turo, who has been an entrepreneur since the 90s, was about to retire and he was upset that he would have to tell his customers this. Turo wished there was a person he could point to as a successor. In the joint discussions, it had come up that Tiina was also interested in entrepreneurship. It was agreed that Tiina would work in Turo first and get to know the customers. At the same time, he would acquire the authorization of an auditor. The work started in 2019.
- The path to becoming an auditor is tough. First the studies and then three years as an assistant to an auditor before being able to take the exam to get a degree.
After receiving the authorization, Tiina founded her own company and Turo's customers could transfer to Tiina if they wanted. The entrepreneurs are still in contact every week.
- First of all, I have learned a good lesson from Turo. You have always been able to ask immediately when you have questions. Book wisdom does not solve all issues. That's why the authorization has been set, because no one can come directly from the university to do the work of an auditor.
Tiina encourages those thinking about entrepreneurship to explore different options, because starting from zero is a big threshold.
- It is worth investigating the various options available. Business service points in cities and municipalities offer advice on matters, various business sales events are organized and companies for sale can be viewed, for example, on Yrityspörss.
- By buying a company, you can get a ready-made package. You won't lose anything if you ask and explore the options. Often it helps just to bring up your interest in the matter. Things often start to move forward under their own weight.
Audittila Oy is currently in its third fiscal year. Tiina's husband, Mikko, has been working full-time at the company since the beginning of last year. There has been enough work and at some point we will start to make offices in the old building in the courtyard.
Tiina says that many inspectors in the region are retiring, so there is every opportunity to grow the company in the future.
No more to the city
Tiina has always liked hearty and honest people from southern Poznan. People are nice and want to help.
- When you need something, you can easily find a person who offers those services or knows about them. It is always said that even this thing would not have been so easily successful in Helsinki.
Tiina can't imagine moving to the city again.
- Everything is close here, you can go to the forest and go for a run when you just go to the yard. The horse stable is less than a kilometer away and the stable is very close. Everything is possible here.
According to Tiina, many things can be achieved more cheaply and faster in the country. Combining work life and free time is really great here, especially if you enjoy nature and down-to-earth activities.
- This is life, we always said when we moved here - and we still say it today.
Audittila Oy received support from Liiver for the preparation phase of the business development measure. The support was used for the cost calculation of the renovation of the premises and for consulting an expert. Liiver's board has granted Audittila Oy investment support for the renovation of the premises, and the application is currently being processed by the ELY Center.