
Seinäjoki Ilmajoki Jalasjärvi

Clean the table with the decision makers

Torstaina 21.11.2024 klo 18-20 Ilmajoen Seppälän nuorisotilalla haastetaan paikalliset päättäjät ja johtohenkilöt pelailemaan ja vastaamaan nuorten kysymyksiin Putsaa pöytä päättäjillä – tapahtumassa. Ilmajoen nuorisopalvelut, Etelä-Pohjanmaan EU-tietokeskus ja Leader Liiveri järjestävät yhdessä tapahtuman, jossa nuoret viettävät iltaa paikallispäättäjien kanssa pelaillen, pizzatarjoilusta nauttien ja keskustellen. Ideana on vaihtaa tietoa puolin ja toisin: nuoret pääsevät jututtamaan päättäjiä heitä […]

Bilis Sedu!

The young people received support for the purchase of a pool table. Together, young people are thinking about adding joint activities to the space of free time. The pool table was seen as a good way to offer everyone a good and social hobby.

Cultural cycling of the Seven Bridges

Seitsemän sillan kulttuuripyöräily järjestetään Ilmajoella jälleen elokuun ensimmäisenä lauantaina 3.8. 2024 klo 10–16. Haluaisitko pyöräillä ja nauttia perinnemaisemasta, vierailla upeasti sisustetuissa taloissa ja kauniissa pihoissa, seurata päivälypsyä Ala-Fossin tilalla, tutustua museoihin ja paikkakunnan historiaan, kokeilla onnea tikkariarvontageneraattorissa, herkutella, tutustua paikallisiin yrityksiin ja matkailukohteisiin? Yksi Ilmajoen suositummista kesätapahtumista tarjoaa jokaiselle jotakin. Seitsemän sillan kulttuuripyöräily kulkee Kyrönjoen […]

MLL Family House Aurinkoinen

General introduction MLL Perhetalo Aurinkoinen is a meeting place run by the MLL Ilmajoki local association. It is a cozy 1.5-story detached house, located right at the end of Lekarinpolu, near the Ilmajoki health and safety center. MLL Ilmajoki mainly rents the family house for family parties, e.g. child's birthdays, christenings, name-callings, christening parties. It is also possible to hold (association) meetings and peer meetings at the family house. Room capacity Indoors can have max. 40 people. Downstairs is […]

KS Fiksaus supplies procurement

KS Fiksaus fixes and repairs cars, for example car washing, polishing and replacement of broken parts. Youth Leader support was granted for the purchase of tools and supplies.

Sofas for a youth center

The old couches looked worn. Sitting on them was partly dangerous, because they are scattered in some places so that there are gaps. The sofas are located in the block of the youth building, where the purpose is to relax and spend time with a couple of friends away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the house. The space is also used for meetings between counselors and young people, which makes the comfort of the space even more important. With Nuoriso-Leader support, a new […]

Improving team spirit with music

In the project, a high-quality and durable speaker was acquired. The loudspeaker is used during the initial and final heats to cheer up the players and spectators.  

Game nights for Tuomiaho's noobs

In the project, a PS 5 game console and various games were acquired for Tuomiaho's noobs. Game nights are organized for young people at Nuoppar.

Games and accessories for the Pomeco gaming event

In the project, a game console, various games, craft tools needed for making fan art and materials suitable for cosplay, such as fabrics, ribbons and buttons, were acquired for the Pomecon event for the Etelä-Ostrobothnia college. These games and other supplies will remain after the event for the students of Etelä-Ostrobothnia College to use as a hobby. The project enables like-minded game enthusiasts to get to know each other and network for the future at a game and cosplay event, so that the game hobby can continue even after Pomecon.

Succeed in business

Have you thought about buying or selling a business? At the Succeed in Business event, experts from various fields offer practical advice for a successful change of company ownership as well as valuable information on financing opportunities and networks. Welcome on Wed 27.3. at 17:30 Yritysherralaan (Könnintie 27 A, Ilmajoki). The event is intended for entrepreneurs who may face a change of ownership in the next few years. There is no dress code for the event, but you can come there as a shopping [...]