Development projects
Development projects can be of general benefit or economic. Public utility projects, e.g. the development of villages and communities is supported by utilizing cooperation, digitalization and internationalization. Industrial development can, for example, promote business cooperation and labor availability. The aim is to get young people involved in the activity.
About applying for projects
Development projects of different sizes are available for different needs. Usually the projects are local, but they can also be interregional or international.
The budget for small projects is €2,000–€8,000. The application and payment processes for these are simpler than for larger projects. In these larger projects, Liiver's support can be up to €120,000. In addition, €5,000 preparation money can be applied for applying for a larger project (e.g. the Smart Villages project).
The maximum support percentage for development projects is 90 %. However, the most common support percentage is 80 %. Self-financing in public benefit projects can be money and/or works for the benefit of the project. Self-financing of commercial projects is always money. When preparing the project, also think about where you will get the project's own and temporary financing.
All development projects are applied for From Hyrra. Hyrrä guides the preparation of the application. In addition, when you start the application in Hyrrä, it will also be visible to the employees of Liiveri, so we can comment on the application if you want. Hyrrä credentials are created in the service. Hyrrä's home page has instructions for Hyrrä's technical use.
Useful links related to preparation
- Check out the projects that have already received funding in the project register.
- You can find more information about support forms The Food Agency from the pages.
- The board of Liiveri chooses the projects to be financed selection criteria by.
- Project applications are made In Hyrra.
- Good project hallmarks.
Project types
Projects can be implemented either as small projects or as development projects. The employees of Liiveri help to choose the appropriate type of project.
Small projects
- Budget 2000–8000 €
- Support percentage max 90 %, usually 80 %
- Easy application and payment processes
Development projects
- Support max €120,000
- Support percentage max 90 %, usually 80 %
- Opportunity for preparatory projects
Are you planning a project?
Get in touch with Telle!
Telle Lemetyinen
040 579 0615
Project cost models
A cost model is selected during the application phase of the project. The cost model affects the preparation of the project's payment application and the necessary documents and attachments. Liiveri's staff will help you choose the most suitable cost model for your project.
Options for the cost model:
Actual costs are possible in all projects. In small projects, this is the only available cost model.
During the application phase, the applicant prepares a cost estimate and a financing plan.
In the payment phase, the project can be paid cost-based (against receipts) or output-based. A small project is always paid based on output.
The project's cost estimate separates personnel costs, purchasing services, and other direct costs. Also unpaid work in public benefit projects.
The project's indirect costs (19 of the % personnel costs) cover the project staff's travel costs and training, office space costs, IT equipment and software costs, and other general costs related to the operations of the project implementer
In the payment phase, the project can be paid cost-based (against receipts) or output-based.
The project's cost estimate includes the project's personnel costs and other costs arising from the implementation of the project (40 % of personnel costs).
The estimated costs of the project include all costs (including unpaid work) other than personnel costs. (instructions updated for talkos 09/23)
In the payment phase, the project can be paid cost-based (against receipts) or output-based.
Implementation of projects
The approved project plan and support decision are the most important documents guiding the implementation of the project. Remember to read them carefully and recall them from time to time as the implementation progresses.
If questions arise regarding the implementation of the project, don't in connection with Liveri.
You can read more about things related to project communication, such as the use of logos from the communication instructions page. The instructions apply to project, business and structural subsidies financed from the Eafland Fund in the years 2023–2027.
We encourage you to communicate about the project during and after it! Remember to tag Liiveri in social media publications, and we will also share news of the project on our social media accounts.
Applying for project payment
Project support is applied for payment In Hyrra.
The cost model chosen during the application phase of the project affects the preparation of the project's payment application and the necessary documents and attachments.
Instructions for preparing a payment application From the website of the Food Agency
If you have received a positive support decision between 2014 and 2022, you will find instructions for preparing a payment application From the website of the Food Agency.
Young people developing the activities of associations
In the "Youth as Developers" theme project, various activities aimed to develop the activities of associations with the help of young people. Young people, e.g. came up with new ideas, developed new operating models and brought new views to the operation.
Why is it important to do voluntary work?
Without voluntary work, many events, hobbies and projects would be impossible. Doing voluntary work also benefits the creator, see how in the video!
What should be taken into account when planning the project and how to get others excited?
In the video, Iina Åman and Juulia Mäkilaine from the Seinäjoki District give tips on making a project and increasing cooperation and community.