FOR WHOM: For all associations and free-form groups consisting of residents who are interested in the active development of residential areas.
TIME AND PLACE: 23.4. 17:30–19:30, Peräseinäjoki hall, Keikulinkuja 1, Peräseinäjoki
REGISTRATION 9.4. by via the above link or email
• at 17:00-17:10 Why urban activism for Seinäjoki?, interaction designer, Kirsi Mattila, City of Seinäjoki, Vitality and competitiveness
• at 17:10-17:35 Greetings from the organizers: "We will hear your ideas, tell you about funding opportunities, come up with ideas with you and encourage you to develop the city!"
• at 17:35-19:00 Ideation workshop: residential area development ideas/event ideas -> how could these be implemented -> encouragement and sparring for implementation/urban activism!
Coffee and salty snacks are available at the event!
Organizers: Seinäjoki city: vitality and competitiveness, parks, cultural services, sports services, streets and traffic and Seinäjoki Seudun Development Association Liiveri ry and Selmu ry.
More information: Kirsi Mattila, interaction designer, City of Seinäjoki,
Vitality and competitiveness, tel. 040 530 5111,
Welcome to brainstorm how you would develop the city into a more communal one!