
Seinäjoki Ilmajoki Jalasjärvi
Front page / Young people included


Getting young people involved in activities renews community activities and regional development. It also gives young people experiences that they are valuable, that their own opinions matter, and that they can influence their own environment.

We want to encourage various organizations, such as associations and clubs, to involve young people in activities and let young people have an impact. We have put together five ideas on how to involve young people. Association operators as well as young volunteers and entrepreneurs who are already involved in activities can vote on this page. The possibilities and different ways to participate and get involved are endless!

  1. Give a chance influence
  2. Communication to look young
  3. Together we can achieve more
  4. Take it easy, don't panic.
  5. Give wings to ideas

The ideas and videos collected on this page are part of the Participating Youth 2.0 project.

Explore the ideas, get inspired and pick the ones that suit you!

Tips for association operators on involving young people

Are you wondering how to get young people involved in activities? Watch the video for tips from experienced association leaders.

Tips for young people – feel free to join in and implement your own ideas!

What kind of activity are you interested in? Association activities, a club activity or even entrepreneurship – feel free to try different options!


Give young people the opportunity to take responsibility and implement their own projects or areas of the association's activities. This gives young people a sense of meaningful participation and encourages them to commit to the association's activities in the longer term. Ask young people directly what kind of activities they want to participate in. Young people are best able to answer this themselves. Carry out the survey traditionally or even electronically, using Forms, Google Forms or Mentimeter. You can raffle off a prize among all those who respond, e.g. gift cards always work.

A survey was conducted to find out the wishes of young people in Hirvijärvi

The village of Hirvijärvi received Sparring help from Liiver to involve young people. Together, a survey was carried out for the young people in the village.

– The survey provided answers to what young people want. The answers can be used in the future when planning activities for children and young people. The positive thing about the responses was that many people said they were interested in participating and organizing. Before the survey, we only guessed what young people wanted. The survey gave us confidence in what to do, and after that, the football camp and movie night they wanted were organized for the young people, says the chairman of the Hirvijärvi-Komsi village association. Mari Mäki-Karvia.

Do you want to find out what young people in your area want?
See for example the kind of survey that was conducted in Hirvijärvi.

Young people are renewing Selmu's operations

What do young people and young volunteers mean to the Seinäjoki Live Music Association and the region more broadly? How would the association's activities be attractive to young people?

Remember that young people are different: some want to make an impact and find it significant, while others just want to help quickly without any enthusiasm to make an impact. The most important thing is to provide an opportunity to make an impact.”

Source: Citizens' Arena


If you can get the attention of young people, you are already a long way. Use channels in communication that reach young people effectively. Ask the young people on which channels they would like information about the association's activities. Take advantage of social media, create an attractive website and use visual content such as images and videos. Young people are often interested in fast and visual communication, so keep the communication dynamic and easy to digest. Also inspire young people to participate in communication and give them a free hand to do things.

This is how you send messages to young people

  • Use diverse communication channels.
  • Highlight meaningful tasks.
  • Offer flexible and innovative opportunities.
  • Listen to and value the input of young people.
  • Build community and networks.

You can find communication tips and much more in the Citizens' Arena Youth Volunteering Handbook, which is also available volunteer specialist Veera Henriksson recommends it for use in reaching young people.


A young person was hired as a summer social worker in Ylistaro

In Ylistaro, it was felt that villages need a youth perspective and communication from a youth perspective. It was unanimously agreed that a common summer social media manager is needed to increase Ylistaro's visibility.

Worked as a summer social worker Matilda Latvala brought new visibility to the villages' communications and attracted both locals and tourists to explore the area's offerings. At the same time, he gained valuable work experience, developed his skills, and built the vitality of the villages.

"It is worth telling young people about things openly, as it often lowers the threshold for them to join in the activity. For example, tell them how the activity will be implemented, if there are meetings, what happens in them. It would be good to tell them what is required to participate in the activity (e.g. what skills are useful, how much time does it take, etc.), and tell them if, for example, there is any compensation for participating or if the activity provides access to interesting opportunities (e.g. study trips, acquaintances, etc.) Young people also often join the activity more easily if a friend also joins. This could be taken into account by allowing a friend to register for the activity at the same time as themselves, etc."

Member of the youth section of Liiveri


Do you have a great idea, but not enough people to implement it? Local youth activities, clubs or associations can plan things for young people at the same time, and collaboration often creates the best implementations. For example, invite different associations to hold workshops at your spring day - this way the participants can get to know other activities. Also include young people in the planning!

Collaborative events at youth facilities

Liiveri, the South Ostrobothnia EU Information Centre and local youth centres will collaborate to organise the "Set the Table for Decision-makers" events in 2023 and 2024 in Jalasjärvi, Nurmo and Ilmajoki. 

At the events, young people spent the evening playing games, enjoying pizza and chatting with municipal decision-makers. The idea was to exchange information both ways: young people could talk to decision-makers about issues that concerned them, and decision-makers could talk about decision-making. Decision-makers at the events were represented by mayors, directors of various sectors, and members of the municipal government and council.

– It is easier to implement new types of events when tasks can be divided among several organizers, comments the Participating Youth 2.0 project Sanna Pihlaja.


Young people built an outdoor gym in Ilmajoki

When young people are given the opportunity to carry out their own project, the end result can be this amazing! Ilmajoki Youth Council Eero-Pekka Hautamäki and Lauri Pentinmäki tell in a video about the implementation of the Ilmajoki outdoor gym. The project was carried out in collaboration between the Ilmajoki Kisailijoti, the youth council and the municipality.

“This was the first big project for both of us and yes, the journey had its challenges. … Now this is finally here!”


Trust that young people will enjoy participating in a relaxed environment. Organize events and meetings with a low threshold for joining. Communicate opportunities openly and actively and encourage young people to participate. Avoid excessive bureaucracy and encourage open interaction. The atmosphere of the association should be welcoming and friendly.

Skills and networks from volunteering

“What definitely surprised me about the association’s activities was how close-knit this community is, but yet how incredibly easy it is to join this community,” says a volunteer from Selmu. Susanna Savonen.

Young people are involved in SPR Seinäjoki's activities at all levels

"We involve young people in everything, so we don't currently have a youth group. Young people run the Teddy Bear Hospital, we cooperate with the flea market, we run a language café...", lists the chairman of the Seinäjoki branch of the Swedish Red Cross. Katja Palkoma.

Young people tell us what they have received volunteering

  • Feelings of accomplishment when you can see the joy of others. This increases the feeling that you are doing important work.
  • Friends and experiences.
  • Various internationalization opportunities are interesting.
  • New friends, useful skills. The best thing is when you realize you've made a difference.
  • New experiences and a sense of belonging to a group. The best thing is that you get to meet new people.


Choose themes and projects for your activities with young people that are related to their interests and future challenges. For example, Leader, Youth Leader or Erasmus+ funding can provide a suitable incentive to plan a joint project with young people. Leader funding is also suitable for young entrepreneurs. The task of adults is to support and encourage – and give wings to young people's ideas!

Encourage young people to implement their own projects with Youth Leader support

Young entrepreneurs: Young people created summer jobs for themselves

Helmi Viirimäki and Fiia in Joy is a joint 4H company, Wohvelikahvila. Youth Leader funding helped them with the initial steps of entrepreneurship.

Youth groups: Tools for youth space

The young people at Nurmo Youth Farm Kenu have implemented several Youth Leader projects that have increased the comfort of the farm.

Youth groups: Pool table for school

The young people of Sedu Ilmajoki implemented the purchase of a billiard table as a Youth Leader project, which brought a new hobby opportunity to the community and at the same time taught the young people project management and responsibility. 

Young people involved in Leader projects

Young people involved in developing the activities of the Migration Museum

The Migration Museum activates young people in the museum's activities through various projects and events. "Young people bring a new perspective to our activities, new ways of working and therefore renew our activities," says the executive director. Paula Vannesluoma.

From hobby to business

Eero Välkkilän The company, ESV Motors, provides small engine maintenance and car repairs, e-commerce, and freestyle demonstrations at motocross events. The story inspires young people to take a step towards their own dreams.

Have you had an idea that you need funding to implement?


Take advantage of Liiver's tips and opportunities to get young people involved.