Tapahtumia, kalustehankintoja, kouluttautumista – Katso mihin Nuoriso-Leader-rahoitusta myönnettiin
Julkaisemme Nuoriso-Leader-tukea saaneet neljä kertaa vuodessa. Tänä vuonna syksyn ensimmäisessä haussa ei ollut rahoitettavia nuorten porukoiden hakemuksia. Tässä listassa on kesä-joulukuussa päätöksen saaneet. Porukat Toiminnallisuutta oppitunneille ja yhteisöllisyyttä koko kouluun! – Seinäjoen yhteiskoulun oppilaskunnan hallitus Rikollisuuden vastainen päivä – Etelä-Pohjanmaan opisto – hyvinvointilinjat Skorfest – nuorten porukka Kyykkää opiskelijoille – Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta SAMO […]
Welcome to FormuLive's Project Studio!
Neliosaisessa FormuLiven videosarjassa tutustutaan hankkeiden maailmaan Kurikan kaupungin hankeasiantuntija Reetan johdolla. Mukana asiantuntijavieraina ovat Leader Suupohjan Mirkka ja Leader Liiverin Telle, jotka jakavat arvokasta tietoa ja kokemuksia Leader-hankkeista sekä projektien onnistumisesta. Videot ovat hyödyllisiä kaikille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita hanketyöstä tai suunnittelevat oman projektin aloittamista. Hankestudio Osa 1: Johdatus hankkeisiin ja hankeasiantuntijoihin Hankestudio Osa 2: […]
Read Liiver's hearings in the autumn newsletter
Topics of the newsletter: Without villages, there are only cities - Interview with Mari Viljanmaa, who started as Liiver's village expert Hire a young person - funding for development and investments A responsible company manufactures multi-purpose playground platforms "Small contributions can have big effects" - Interview with Pirjo Pystykoski-Sopanen, chairman of the Economic Division See the list of those who have received funding - 20 supports received by Formulive's project studio Part 1: Introduction to projects and project experts Association Act […]
See the list of those who received funding
We will publish those who received funding after the ELY center has made an official decision on them. The ELY center's 13.8.-20.10 is listed below. decisions made. Projects Coordination and activation projects University of the Arts - Knowledge of science changes the world - art education broadens thinking Small-scale development project Seinäjoki Jalkapalkerho-juniorit ry - Football belongs to everyone Small-scale investment Luopajärven Youth Club - Purchase of folding tables for the Youth Club […]
A responsible domestic company manufactures multi-purpose playground platforms
Founded in 2020, Jetraco Oy, a company better known as Pihapelikentät, specializes in designing and manufacturing exercise and game platforms that are suitable for both backyards and public venues. The main goal of the company is to create attractive and safe environments for movement and to offer alternatives to the time spent with digital devices. Working as an entrepreneur with his wife Eija, Joonas Peura's passion for exercise goes back to his own childhood […]
Clean the table for decision-makers events gather the province's young and local decision-makers around the gaming tables
Leader Liiveri, the South Ostrobothnia EU information center and local youth centers will jointly organize Clean the table with decision-makers events in the fall of 2024 in Jalasjärvi, Nurmo and Ilmajoki. At the events, young people spend the evening with local decision-makers, playing games, enjoying pizza and talking. The idea is to exchange information both ways: young people get to talk to the decision-makers about the issues that concern them, and the decision-makers, in turn, talk about decision-making. Young people are also encouraged to be an active citizen at the events [...]
The Young Creative application is open! Funding for development and investments
The Nuoret luovat search encourages associations to involve young people in activities and develop creative activities that interest young people. Liiveri grants funding for development and investment projects that increase the opportunities for young people to participate and express themselves through art and culture. In Keskiö there is an activity that is especially conceived by the young people themselves, which is creative, sustainable and strengthens the cultural vitality of the region. Projects can be used to create long-term activities, [...]
Get inspired by the results of the development work!
Have you thought about what Leader funding has achieved over the years? We have compiled the results of Liiver's development work since 1997 into an easily accessible whole on the Results page. By compiling the results, we want to show the decision-makers how the money directed to rural development has been spent and to tell them that there is a need for funding in the future as well. However, the pages are not only aimed at financiers, but also for you - Whether you are [...]
The newsletter of EP's Leader groups celebrates entrepreneurship
The third newsletter of 2024 has been published. Newsletter topics: Poetry workshop inspires word art SmartCode Solutions – coding and artificial intelligence expertise from Ähtäri Lukkarin Puustelli from Evijärvi got a new host and hostess Women entrepreneurs build a sustainable business Järviseudun Pelletti Oy produces clean domestic wood pellets Project operators' Teams coffees from September Local food day will be celebrated again on September 7. The South Ostrobothnia Leader groups and ELY center share in the newsletter published four times a year [...]
There is demand for the forest project, and new perspectives on forest ownership in the fall
With activation and knowledge, vitality to Lakeuden's forests project started its operations in the spring of Metsänhoitoyhdistys Lakeuden (Ilmajoki, Kurikka, Kauhajoki and Teuva). A total of more than two hundred participants took part in the trainings, shows and excursions. In the coming autumn, it will be about the renewed thinning patterns of forests, the renewal of the bog forest, generational changes within the immediate family and forest farm sales taking place on the free market, as well as the market situation of forest farm sales. Forest thinning models have been applied to guide the correct timing of forest thinning [...]