The Liiveri village mail will be published regularly again. The mail will collect current information about what Liiveri has to offer and various funding channels for developing your village. The themes of the first village mail are preparing villages and increasing community spirit.
December topics
- Village reserve provides security in exceptional circumstances, Nopankylä village association's preparedness measures
- How can Liiveri help develop safety, preparedness and community in villages? Link to survey
- The price of loneliness is high, according to a 2023 report by the Finnish Red Cross and Red Crescent Society
- Current energy news – new winds and fresh solutions, Energy Evening 23.1. in Seinäjoki
- Tips on different funding opportunities and youth entrepreneurship
- Village animal studies
- Open Christmas villages
Village mail is also sent to associations in the area whose activities enrich the life of the villages. For development issues in your village or to order village mail, you can send a message to
You can access the village post office here. from the link