Waffle cafe
Youth-Leader support was granted for the supplies of the Wohvelikafila located in the center of Ylistaro. Running a cafe in the summer gives young people the opportunity to practice entrepreneurship, and young people get to fulfill themselves in the field of baking and customer service.
asked Katainen
With the Youth Leader grant, a lawnmower will be purchased, which will enable a young person to work in the summer as a 4H entrepreneur.
Acquisition of a new server
With Nuoriso-Leader support, a server is acquired, which is used, for example, to maintain websites and rent the remaining server space to private individuals. The project makes it possible to grow the business, i.e. the new server can offer more services and to a larger customer base.
Canoe to Tsangon's Talvikkie patrol lodge in Soukallejoki
With Nuoriso-Leader support, a canoe will be purchased for Tasangon Talvikit RY's patrol house in Soukallejoki, on the banks of Friskinkoski and Friskinlammi. The patrol house will be renovated in the summer-autumn of 2024 and a pier will be built there, as well as a beach where it is possible to go canoeing.
Electric guitar for the noob
We get a used electric guitar and order the necessary accessories. Young people are interested in music and playing together. The electric guitar in the band room of the Pohja youth center allows you to play in new bands and get to know new friends through playing.
HipHop – Tansku
Hiphop-Tansku-tapahtuman tavoitteena on tarjota nuorille mielekästä ajanvietettä, joka sisältää toiminnallisia ehkäisevän päihdetyön menetelmiä nuorten hyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi. Lisäksi tapahtumalla pyritään madaltamaan kynnystä ottaa yhteyttä tapahtumassa mukana oleviin tahoihin, jotka voivat tukea nuoria päihteisiin tai hyvinvointiin liittyvissä kysymyksissä. Tapahtumassa on mm. graffitien maalausta, hiphop tanssin opetusta, ehkäisevään päihdetyöhön ja seksuaaliterveyteen liittyviä työpajoja 5 kappaletta. Illan päättää paikallinen […]
Jymy's young coaches
The purpose is to train young coaches. Young coaches gather at coach meetings to train and learn new things. In addition, meetings are organized for young coaches, where they can exchange ideas and experiences about coaching. Otherwise, the training of young people to become coaches takes place in everyday life, when coaching groups and teams. With Nuoriso-Leader support, training equipment is purchased that can be used in training. The training equipment is used by all the club's teams, i.e. more than 250 enthusiasts.
At the home games kiosk, money for the team's activities
The Jalas T14-T15 teams of Jalasjärvi play their home games at the Kiuaskallio athletics field. On the field is the kiosk building of Jalasjärvi Jalas, where a kiosk is kept during home matches. The kiosk for home matches enables convenient fundraising for the team. A grill was purchased for the kiosk with Nuoriso-Leader support. The grill will be available to all teams and groups using the kiosk.
Bilis Sedu!
The young people received support for the purchase of a pool table. Together, young people are thinking about adding joint activities to the space of free time. The pool table was seen as a good way to offer everyone a good and social hobby.
3D printer for manufacturing plastic parts
With Nuoriso-Leader support, a 3D printer will be purchased, which can be used to create specially manufactured plastic components for the needs of companies.