General presentation

Ylistaro in the village of Untamala Untamala Yhteitalo is located, where various events such as graduation and birthday parties, political events, orchestras, concerts, church services and clubs have been organized over the decades. The shared house has also functioned as a center for various sports competitions.

Space capacity

100-120 people.

Use of the house in summer/winter time

For year-round use.

Kitchen equipment

Versatile crockery, coffee machines, thermos, restaurant-level fast dishwasher, convection oven/stove, 2 refrigerators.


for 120 people.

Possibility to rent part of the space for smaller use

There is a smaller space that is suitable for meeting use, for example.

Accommodation available

Is not.

Other equipment

Barrier-free access, sauna, sound equipment.

Remote working use

Not in remote working mode.


Updated June 14, 2023

Meeting room Party space Sauna space More than 50 people


Kosolantie 45
61440 Untamala
Community house reservations: Pirkko Ekoluoma tel. 050 538 9699

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