
Seinäjoki Ilmajoki Jalasjärvi

Central Nurmo

Central Nurmo

Keski-Nurmo is a rural and agriculture-oriented residential area, the landmark of which is the scenic area of the Ruuhikoski golf course. The village has good traffic connections in the direction of the city of Seinäjoki. Keski-Nurmo is a popular residential area whose population and student numbers have been growing for several years. Currently, there are about 400 households in the village. A new school, library, daycare center and counseling facilities have recently been built in Keski-Nurmo. The position of agriculture in the operation of the village is essential. In addition to those working in agriculture, there are relatively many people living in the village who work elsewhere.

There are several active livestock farms in Keski-Nurmo, many of which have expanded in recent years. In Keski-Nurmontie, the production area starts at the beginning of highway 19 and continues all the way to Keski-Luomantie. The rest of the fields surrounding Keski-Nurmontie are in active cultivation. Along Jölöntie, there are broiler hatcheries owned by Atria. The Maamiesseura offers threshing and drying services to farmers in the region. There is livestock production along Isokoskentie all the way, with an emphasis on the broiler houses at Soinintie. In addition, the fields along the road are actively cultivated.


School, library, counseling center, daycare center, Ruuhikoski golf course that meets international standards, with a restaurant, massage therapist and veterinary clinic. Kalustetalo Asiala on Isokoskentie. In addition, there is a tractor museum, a few car repair shops and various machine contractors in the area. At the intersection of Mäki-Hakolantie and Keski-Nurmontie, the dryers of the farmers' association are located, with the capacity to dry hundreds of hectares of grain. Shop and restaurant services are requested from Hyllykallio.

Associations operating in the area

Keski-Nurmo village society, Keskikunna Maamiesseura, Keski-Nurmo agricultural and household women and Luukko-Soini hunting society and Keski-Nurmo hunting society.

Shared spaces and hobby opportunities

School gym shifts, skating on the school's ice, ski slopes, playground at the school, soccer field along Kuortaneentie, hunting lodges.

Village events

In August, the village association has organized a village party during the day for children and their families, and in the evening the event is aimed at adults.

Construction sites

A plan is being developed for the village and the area is prohibited from building until it is completed.

The strengths of the village

Rural living environment, quiet and cozy village environment, proximity to Seinäjoki, Atria factory.

The possibilities of the village

A new school, a good location, population growth, the perception of the village as a rural place to live, an increase in land sales, an increase in the appreciation of rural living.

Special features

The golf course in the middle of the village creates a special look. The golf course provides opportunities for the village's activities and economic development that are not available in other nearby regions. Nurmonjoki, which flows through Keski-Nurmo, also creates its own look in the area.

Updated on February 9, 2023

Keski-Nurmoo village society association

principal Katja Koivisto, tel. 044 9780733