Last spring, Liiveri made an irresistible offer to the associations of Ilmajoki, Jalasjärvi and Seinäjoki. If they hired someone under the age of 29 to develop their operations, Liiveri would pay 90 percent of the costs. As a result, 20 fresh talent got jobs and 12 associations learned why they should be listened to.
The skills of the applicants made an impression
FinFami South Ostrobothnia, which deals with people with mental illness, was one of the associations that took up Liiver's challenge. In its job advertisement, the association was looking for a trumpet player to plan and implement the "Summer Bucket list" aimed at young people. The guide would introduce hobby opportunities in the surrounding area and give tips for strengthening mental health.
- We received only excellent applications for the job of tubettaja. The skills, enthusiasm and interest of the young people made an impression. We narrowed down the good applicants and we were very satisfied with the selection, executive director Noora Nieminen thanks
A third-year student of international management at the University of Manchester was chosen as the trumpeter Jonne Tiili. Despite his young age, Tiili is an accomplished performer, which Youtube channel the videos have a total of more than three million viewers. Tiili, who hails from Helsinki, had no previous connection to South Ostrobothnia, but found his dream job online by applying for a job under the name tubettaja.
Enthusiasm is contagious
Hiring a brave creator taught the employer a lot. According to the CEO, everyone in the work community was touched by joy and enthusiasm.
- The young man's dedication to the tasks, creativity and level of technical skills were also admirable, Nieminen estimated.
Thanks to Tiili's expertise, the association's number of followers on social media grew. Also created by him vlog and Good mood travel guide can be used in communication again next summer.
Giving space is worth it
Thus, at the beginning of the year, summer work patterns are still open in many associations. With the successful cooperation, Nieminen wants to encourage the doubters.
- I also encourage giving the young person as much space as possible to realize their own visions. We would have lost a lot if we had set out to define the work results and expectations too much. By giving the young person the freedom to plan, ideate and create on their own, we got much more than we could have expected.
Since Liiveri subsidized the salary of the piper with 90 percent, only a fraction of the expenses remained to be paid to the association. Nieminen states that without Leader funding, hiring a young person would not have been possible. Now, for a few hundred, a young expert was hired for a month.
In this way, the skills of young people were also used in the summer jobs made possible by Liiver
- Today's twenty-somethings don't even remember a time without the Internet and cell phones. In addition to FinFam, the diginatives set up communication and marketing in other associations as well. Lakeuden Elämysliikunta got its information systems to a new level and aligned its website with the pages of the city of Seinäjoki. The summer employees of Rytmi Institute developed a new music-themed podcast "Hardened Wisdom" for the association. The social expert of the Seinäjoki Seudun Urheilijode increased the image bank and renewed the content production. Rastijussi's summer employees helped with the implementation of the new results service.
- Generation Z wants to spend time on their passion both at work and in their free time. The FinFam employee continued as a volunteer in the association after the end of the employment relationship. MLL Ilmajoki's summer employees, on the other hand, got enthusiastic volunteers from their friends for the Day on the Farm event they organized. The positive experience of the visitors made one of the cooperative farms consider establishing a permanent showroom in connection with the broiler farm.
- If the association wants to organize an event for young people, you should choose a young person as its producer. This was learned by Selmu, among others, whose summer producers' idea resulted in a successful Mopoauto Drive in outdoor movie screening. In Hanhikoski, a young person organizes an escape room for the village hall and the Olympics, which, due to its popularity, is planned to become an annual tradition.
- A young mind is open and open-minded. New things were tried out during the summer in several associations. In SJK juniors, young people organized camps, thanks to which the association got new junior players and adult enthusiasts involved in the activities. The new camp activity was also tried out at Seinäjoki 4H's petting zoo and Peräseinäjoki's Viitala Youth Club, where three-day children's art days were organized. In the Jalasjärvi 4H association, it was tested whether there was a demand for an outdoor service among the elderly.