A new Forest of Hope is being built in Seinäjoki's Pappilankorpe, which combines the restoration of nature and well-being. Its central goal is to bring people together while respecting and protecting nature, while creating a place where everyone can enjoy the forest without barriers.
Efforts are being made to restore the forest saved in the felling to a thicket with the help of the parish's own measures.
- During the felling, it was decided to save the carp, which is not a carp according to the Forest Act due to the drainage made in the early 90s, as a result of the drainage, the water level here has dropped by about half a meter. The original forest type can even be a forest bark beetle in accordance with the Nature Conservation Act, says a trustee of Seinäjoki Parish Jouni Aila.
By blocking the ditch, it became clear that there is a spring in the forest from which water rises into the forest. According to Aila, the restoration of the ear has already started well.
- The ditch was blocked with an excavator in order to restore the water level, as a result of which the humidity has already started to rise. As a result of the removal of the drain, the spruces that grew in the fen will die, but hardwoods will grow in their place, restoring the area's natural diversity.
As part of the project, a barrier-free shed, a toilet and a woodshed will be built in the Seinäjoki parish forest. The area has also been planted with a grove of noble trees and a 120-meter-long cross made of iron birch, surrounded by a spruce nursery.
- The purpose of the whole is that visitors can enjoy the restored cornice, cross and noble tree forest. It is planned to build long trees and a bridge around the spring found in the forest, which will lead to the resting place to be built.
Nature and environmental education can be organized in the area, for example nature clubs, and what carbon sequestration means in practice can be illustrated.
- The purpose is also to use this as an educational site in climate change, carbon sequestration and how economic forest and nature management can go hand in hand.
The forest of hope combines the needs and wishes of many different groups. Participating in the cooperation are Etelä-Ostrobothnia Mettälliset ry, Etelä-Ostrobothnia motorikelkalijat ry, Ylistaro Kainasto metsästysseura ry, patrol flag associations of the area, Lakeuden Elämysliikunta ry and Seinäjoki parish.
This project shows that the parish, as a forest owner, bears responsibility for nature and its diversity. It creates a space where people can protect, learn and enjoy nature together. Toivo metsä is a beautiful example of how by joining forces we can do significant things for the benefit of our environment. This forest is open to everyone and serves as a symbol of hope and shared responsibility.
In the video, Jouni Aila talks about the project
Forest of hope - well-being and sustainable diversity
A publicly beneficial investment
Total funding
60 287,00 €
Public funding (Funding from Liveri + funding from Seinäjoki Parish)
39 186,55 €
Support percentage
65,00 %