Young people boosting the activities of associations
In the "Youth as Developers" theme project, various activities aimed to develop the activities of associations with the help of young people. Young people, e.g. came up with new ideas, developed new operating models and brought new views to the operation.
In theme projects, the maximum total cost of sub-projects has been less than €10,000 and the support percentage is 90 %.
Implemented theme projects
The "Youth as developers" project complex includes a total of five theme projects coordinated by Liiver:
- A boost to action
- Within the theme projects, small development projects were implemented in which young people were hired to develop the activities of the associations.
- Boost to action 2
- Within the theme projects, small development projects were implemented in which young people were hired to develop the activities of the associations.
- BTgoesART
- In the theme project, an artist was hired for the associations to develop activities.
- llmastoviisas - young people as developers
- Within the framework of the theme project, it was possible to hire a young person for a short time to improve the community's opportunities to respond to the challenges brought about by climate change.
- Youth summer work project (financed by the Kuortanee Savings Bank Foundation)
- In the theme project, associations were encouraged to hire young people.
Each project had 5-12 sub-projects implemented by the associations, which you can get to know on this page.
Associations that implemented projects
- Mannerheim Children's Welfare Association Ilmajoki Association
- Lakeuden élamysliikunta ry
- Hanhikoski village society association
- Fin-Fami Etelä-Pohjanmaa ry
- Ylistaro Kainasto youth association
- Jalasjärvi 4H association
- Seinäjoki Live Music Association
- Cultural collective Silta ry
- Peräseinäjoki Viitala youth club
- Seinäjoki Jalkapalkerho-juniorit ry
- Sepeli association
- Rasti-Jussit association
- Rytmi-Instituut's supporter's association
- Seinäjoki Region Athletes
- Ilmajoki 4H association
- Seinäjoki 4H association
- Ilmajoki Rengo village society
- Ilmajoki Yrittäjät ry
- Cultural association KoHo ry
- Liikunta- ja Kyläseura Kaanaa ry
- South Ostrobothnia Youth Association
- Nopankylä village society association
- Kitinojan Kyläseura Ry
- Nurmon Metsästysseura ry

MLL services visible and Day on the farm projects
Project executor: Mannerheim Children's Protection Association Ilmajoki yhdistis ry
The goal of the project was to make the association's activities known and to organize activities in Ilmajoki's side villages as well. In the project, a "Mythical forest" story adventure was planned, where the target group was the youngest members of the family and their parents. The purpose was to introduce the forest and nature to children and give families with children the opportunity to do something different together. The project workers carried out the information about the events through different media and made a security plan for the events. There were a total of four events, and a total of 250 people attended them. The project workers developed the association's marketing by creating a public Facebook page for the association and drawing up a marketing plan to support social media marketing. A total of 4,190 people were reached through the Facebook pages in June and 3,580 in July. On the best day, the page was viewed 1928 times.
The goal of the project was to introduce families with children from Ilmajoki to local rural entrepreneurs and the rural life by organizing four Päivä Maatilalla events during the summer at different locations. The purpose was for families to learn and get information about rural activities and to be better prepared to examine their own consumption choices. In addition, the families were able to reflect on their own attitudes towards the countryside and their ability to understand news/social discussions related to the countryside increases. The activity is meant to be a family-oriented introduction to agriculture.
During the summer of 2019, two summer workers planned and organized four "Day on the farm" events in cooperation with four different farms in the air river. There were plenty of activities for children at the events. Feedback surveys were carried out at each event. The summer employees implemented the event information campaign and event marketing. In addition, the summer employees planned the program of events and implemented the events with the farms and a few volunteers they recruited themselves.
- MLL services were visible Boost to action sub-project of the theme project.
- It was a day on the farm Boost to action 2 – sub-project of the theme project

Get to know Elämysliikunta, a marketing project and an art project
Project implementer: Lakeuden élamysliikunta Ry
In the project, a young person was hired to develop the association's activities and its visibility, focusing on children and young people. The main task of the project was to develop the association's information technology to the level required by the times.
In the project, new introductory videos of the association were created for touch screens, a new booking calendar and a booking system for the experience exercise portal, and social media was introduced more widely. A completely new kind of digital guestbook has been developed for Aarnikotka's home. The tasks also included the design of the starry sky of Luontotalo Käpälikö and the design of technology for an accessible route for children. The digitalization of Viewranger – Experience Routes for phones and other devices was also implemented in the project. In addition, we were involved in the Suomi 100 years program, in the marketing of the Käpälikö nature days.
During the summer, two young people developed the association's information activities, especially electronic communication, and nature guidance activities.
In terms of information, the harmonization of the website and user interface with the pages of the city of Seinäjoki was started. The content of the electronic information board in the yard of Luontotalo Käpälikö was edited in order to better communicate the routes and destinations in the area to outdoor enthusiasts and tourists. The association's information systems were brought to a new level and correspond to today's technological solutions. The planning of the program packages for nature tours and the pilot nature of group tours and events carried out in the project were excellent, and the goals were achieved. Creating a network of people for nature guidance turned out to be more challenging, but we got off to a good start.
The project tried bringing nature-like art to Seinäjoki in the surroundings of the nature house Käpälikö, along the barrier-free children's route and on the Jouppilanvuori exercise stairs. There you can find the following works designed by three different artists: a hovering ufo, a sign for the landing site of spaceships, a phosphor board that can be painted with a flashlight, the clothing of menningans, emotional mushrooms and works made from tree stumps.
- Elämysliikunta was familiar Boost to action sub-project of the theme project.
- Elämysliikkunta's marketing project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.
- There was art for the experience movement BTgoesART sub-project of the theme project.

Activities for the village of Hanhikoski
Project implementer: Hanhikoski kyläseura ry
The goal of the project was to increase children's enjoyment in their own village, strengthen the sense of community and get new residents involved in the village's activities. The project's target group was children and families with children.
The children's summer club was held a total of 28 times, and an average of 8-10 children participated every day. In addition, two separate larger events were organized: the Olympic Games, which will be considered an annual tradition, and the Escape Room, which was quite laborious to organize, but whose popularity was overwhelming. The summer worker kept a diary of the activities, which remains a tool for the village association when planning future events.
The project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.

Summer Bucket List
Project implementer: Fin-Fami Etelä-Pohjanmaa ry
In the project, a young person was hired to communicate content in the form of a vlog to strengthen mental health and to develop a mental health-themed travel guide.
The young person hired for the Summer Bucket List project designed and produced #FreesiFiilis vlog and in pdf format "Good mood travel guide". The guide contains compiled information about 19 different recreational opportunities in Ilmajoki, Jalasjärvi and Seinäjoki. In the content, information about strengthening mental health was produced with a fresh approach. The costs of the presented activities are "adjustable" depending on the method and quantity, varying from free to slightly more expensive. The association's social media followers grew in all channels used (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn). YouTube was now used for the first time in the association's information. The project aroused interest in the media as well as among partners, and it helped to reach potential new partners for the association's other activities.
Summer Bucket List was Boost up to 2 sub-project of the theme project.

Operational development and circular economy projects
Project implementer: Ylistaro Kainasto noorisoseura ry
The goal of the project was the development of high-quality operations and the search for new operating models related to the use of the association's recent investments. The task of the hired young person was to draw up plans and instructions.
Activating the Facebook pages made it possible to reach the kökke public more widely and to improve the interactivity of communication. In order to promote theater hobby activities, a marketing study was conducted and the marketing of the summer theater was planned and tested. The new summer theater canopy, financed by the Southern Ostrobothnia ELY Center, was in use for the first time this summer, and a customer survey was conducted for summer theater guests. The project resulted in a marketing and communication plan.
In Ylistaro's Kainasto project, reasonable measures were sought for the youth club from a circular economy perspective.
The association hired a young person to develop the village center's waste handling, make a plan, signs and put the collection containers in order. A composter was acquired for the society in connection with the project. The good operation of the composting process requires the right methods of operation. The challenging thing is that the user base at the youth club is much more diverse than at home. The project also mapped the collection and recycling of other materials. In addition, a circular economy themed day was organized.
- The operational development project was Boost to action sub-project of the theme project.
- The circular economy project was Climate wise - Young people as developers sub-project of the theme project.

The Ilmari-Ilmastoviisas and The company for the elderly and outdoor activities projects
Project implementer: Jalasjärvi 4H association
In the project, a young person was hired to communicate the challenges brought about by climate change and the local food production and renewable energy of Jalasjärvi residents were highlighted. The goal was to present Jalasjärvi's local food production and producers, recycling and repair possibilities, as well as renewable energy on social media, and especially encourage young people to use them.
The hired young person mainly made videos related to the topic, but also some photo publications. The aim was to implement the communication in a way that would be as interesting as possible to young people, using channels preferred by young people, such as Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook. The purpose of the positive communication was to arouse interest in the countryside and a cleaner environment in young people, and to encourage them to make better choices. Various companies joined, such as local food producers, a recycling center, K-Supermarket and Juustoportti. At the end of the project, a local food event was organized, in connection with which an exhibition related to local food was held.
The goal of the project was to provide elderly people with company to prevent loneliness, as well as outdoor assistance for those who otherwise have poor opportunities to go outdoors. In addition, we wanted to increase the exchange of experiences between young people and the elderly.
During the project, it turned out that there were significantly fewer elderly people interested in outdoor activities than had been estimated during the planning phase of the project. The 10 elderly people who participated appreciated the company of young people and the opportunity to go outside. The two young people who worked in the project gained experience and training in working with the elderly.
- Ilmari-Ilmatoviisas was Climate wise - Young people as developers sub-project of the theme project.
- There was company and outdoor activities for the elderly Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.

Luontokorjaamo and the Selmu summer producers projects
Project implementer: Seinäjoki Live Music Association
In the project, a market event was organized and a functional guidance package aimed at the cultural workshop groups operating in Selmu, i.e. nature relationship guide, was prepared. In addition, the young person compiled a list of areas for improvement he observed in Selmu ry's operating methods.
In the project, a market event was organized and a functional guidance package aimed at the cultural workshop groups operating in Selmu, i.e. nature relationship guide, was prepared. In addition, the young person compiled a list of areas for improvement he observed in Selmu ry's operating methods.
In the Selmu summer producers project, four different events were organized for young people during the summer. The core idea of the project was to find a contact surface for the association with young customers and experiences from events organized for young people.
The main event was MOPOAUTO DRIVE IN – an outdoor movie screening in the yard of Rytmikorjaamo, and it was a great success, there were a lot of people driving mopeds. The other three events were lighter in terms of production and workshop type. The twerking and sipping / electric fatbike workshops were full, but the graffiti painting drew the crowd a little. The young people were contacted in the idea phase of the events face-to-face at ABC, in the market center and in places where the young people spent time. The main focus of marketing was on social media channels. The contents of the organized events were successful, and also different from what the association's normal events usually are. The ideas of the summer workers have opened up new operating models and content ideas for events for the association.
- The nature repair shop was Climate wise - Young people as developers sub-project of the theme project.
- Selmu's summer producers were Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.

A new boost for camp activities and events and the Seinäjoki camping area getting to know projects
Project implementer: Seinäjoki Jalkapalkerho-juniorit ry
The goal of the project was to plan, offer and implement new and different sports days as well as camps and events that provide positive experiences and increase children's and parents' sense of community and enjoyment in social activities.
The association hired two part-time project workers who organized a variety of new camp activities and events for children, youth and adults. Through the project, the association got new junior players and adult enthusiasts involved in the activity. Particularly successful events were the family sports events in May and August. Three different larger camp events were organized during the summer. As a novelty, parents of children were offered adult futs and they were introduced to adult walking futs.
SJK-Juniorit ry hired a young person to develop the activities of the Seinäjoki campsite through the youth summer work project. The main goals of the project were to improve information and develop ancillary services. The young man was extremely successful in these goals.
- There was a new boost to camp activities and events Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.
- The Seinäjoki campsite was familiar Youth summer work project sub-project of the theme project.

Youth club house for year-round use
Project implementer: Peräseinäjoki Viitala youth club
A summer worker was hired for the youth club, whose task was to develop the activities of the youth club and the use of the youth club house throughout the year.
The summer employee prepared a customer satisfaction and member survey. Development measures were taken based on the customer satisfaction survey, but no answers were received to the member survey. The summer employee planned and organized activities for the residents of the area. The children's art camp gathered 12 participants. The summer employee planned and organized the program of the joint blind trip of the youth club and agricultural and household women. The summer worker prepared marketing materials for the youth club on Facebook and the website. In addition, he prepared instructions for the users of the house and implemented the implementation of the software service.
The project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.

Introducing children to the origin of food
Project implementer: Seinäjoki 4H association
The project aimed to prevent children's alienation from the origin of food. It had already been found to be problematic that children are not able to recognize traditional vegetables from each other, such as paprika and zucchini. By introducing children to the origin of food and, on the one hand, also to local food thinking, the aim is to influence their ability to choose sustainable and rational consumption decisions on store shelves in the future. In addition, children get meaningful and memorable things to do during the summer holidays in the form of clubs and camps.
The young person hired for the project planned and organized eight camps, three of which were implemented as overnight camps. The project made it possible to pilot new concepts, with the help of which it was observed that camps focused on afternoons are clearly more popular than those focused on mornings. Teen animal camp turned out to be a big hit, and there was hope for an even longer version.
The project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.
Website for the association
Project implementer: Nurmon Metsästysseura ry
In the project, a young person was hired to make a new website for the association.
The project was Youth summer work project sub-project of the theme project.
Storytelling of Jaakko Ilka's playground and Mill osatahan projects
Project implementer: Ilmajoki Yrittäjät ry
In the project, the storytelling of Ilmajoki Jaakko Ilka's playground was carried out. In the playground you can get to know Jaakko Ilka's history and era.
The children's ideas were collected using the "dream playground" drawing task. The artistic details implemented in the park are the Jaakko statue, the story trail in Jaakko's footsteps and the tiling of the Oglai house. The project realized a permanent and visible recreation of the village image.
In the project, a young person was hired to develop and organize the "Meill Osatahan" event, the purpose of which was to create an opportunity for Ilimajoki entrepreneurs and associations to present their skills.
The project was BTgoesARTsub-project of the theme project.

Project implementer: Cultural collective Silta ry
Emergency? -the aim of the workshop set was to raise young people's awareness of climate change, increase conversation and listening skills, and listen to young people's opinions about climate change, to give young people tools and means to express their own opinions.
Two project workers were hired for the project. The marketing of the workshops was aimed at youth centers and schools. An Instagram account was created for the project, through which marketing and information were handled even outside of the actual contacts. There were five workshops in total. They included interviews, discussions and theater-oriented activities.
Emergency? was Climate wise - young people as developers sub-project of the theme project.
New operating models
Project implementer: Seinäjoki Seudun Urheilijat
The goal of the project was to pilot new entities, some of which were immediately continued and some of which are to be continued in the future. In addition, the project aimed to improve visibility and get a new and youthful perspective on the updates.
The association hired a young social media expert as a summer employee, who at the same time served as the leader of new groups. New groups were implemented in different parts of Seinäjoki, day athletics schools, traditional play activities, a sports school for adults and a group for applied exercise. In particular, day athletics schools and adult sports schools were praised, and these modes of operation will be further developed in the future. The summer worker was responsible for the production of new content for social media. In addition, he made videos, increased the image bank and renewed the look of the association's website.
The project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.
Youth summer work project
Project implementer: Ilmajoki 4H association
The goal of the project was to develop club activities related to forest and nature themes, the purpose of which is to prevent children's alienation from nature and to learn different forest skills.
The "Forest Secret Police" and "Survivors" modes of operation were planned in the project. Survivors didn't get enough participants, but Metsäsalapoliisit was very popular. Within the framework of the project, a camp and forest and nature-themed crafts were organized in various events. There were a total of 88 participants in clubs and camps. In addition, barn Sundays aimed at families were planned, but there were not enough people for them
participants. The goal is to continue organizing clubs next summer. The project worker created an Instagram account for the association, which has continued its life since the beginning of autumn.
The project developed a one-off day camp activity that does not require the participant to commit to many gatherings. The young person hired as an employee planned, marketed and organized a total of 21 day camp events in different parts of Ilmajoki.
- The youth's summer work project was Boost to action sub-project of the theme project.
- Day camp activities were BTgoesART sub-project of the theme project.
Implementation of the electronic results service
Project implementer: Rasti-Jussit ry
The goal of the project was to lower the threshold for organizing various orienteering events by introducing an electronic results service, which would allow the members of the club to handle the processing of the results on their own.
Two summer workers carried out the implementation of the software: programming, creating parameters, test use, producing the result service and at the same time training the club's staff, writing user manuals and creating a register. The introduction of the tick ticket service was successful, and the association now has a new way of producing the results of evening ticks as an online service. The written instructions will also serve in the years to come. The template prepared by the summer workers has later been used to successfully produce a results service for practices, evening races and competitions.
The project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.
Pod and Vodcast
Project implementer: Rytmi-instituut kantattajayhdistys ry
In the project, two young people were hired to develop a new pod and Vodcast activity for the association, which Rytmi Institute could continue to implement in the role of an independent player in the music industry.
The summer employees planned and implemented eight music-themed "hardened wisdom" episodes and planned the publications and marketing of the episodes. The podcasts bring to the fore the event arrangements of the Southern Ostrobothnia region, artists, as well as trainers and board members of the Rytmi Institute. For the association, the project provided information on how young people use the media and what kind of things and topics interest them there. From the employee's point of view, the project offered an opportunity to visibly influence the activities of the association and the kind of content published through it.
The project was Boost to action 2 sub-project of the theme project.
Gaming club
Project implementer: Sepeli association
The task of the young people to be hired was to start a game club, organize trainings and visiting lectures, workshops, and the Seinäjoki part of the Ludum Dare competition. In addition, during the project, the goal was to develop the association's activities for future operating periods.
Game development club meetings were organized a total of 21 times during the summer. Instead of the Ludum Dare competition, two light competition events, or game jams, were organized. There are a total of 10 games that have been completed or originated from james. A total of 37 different people participated in the organized activity, of which 25 were under 25 years old. There were a total of 169 participating events. The instructions for the use of computer programs produced by the employees during the project will serve the association in the future as well. The prepared teaching materials are available on the association's website for self-study. The information about the skills and tools that the implementation of the project requires from employees was refined for the next recruitment. The networks of hobby activities were refreshed and the formation and maintenance of networks will be a development need of the association in the future as well.
The project was Boost to action sub-project of the theme project.
Common modes of operation for the village
Project implementer: Ilmajoki Rengo village society
The project aimed to come up with new joint forms of activity for the village.
The result was an event concept that moves the whole family, which will be able to be implemented in the coming years as well. An additional challenge was brought by the corona restrictions, and the method of implementation of the entire village's event became a story-based mission path. A young person had been hired to be in charge of the project, and a script and acting work were procured as a purchasing service.
The project was BTgoesARTsub-project of the theme project.
Kitinoja's summer work project
Project implementer: Kitionojan Kyläseura ry
In the project, young people were hired to run play activities for children and a summer cafe.
The project was Youth summer work project sub-project of the theme project.
Stories from the railways
Project implementer: Kulttuuriyhdistys KoHo ry
In the project, two community artists collected, transcribed and edited railway-related stories from Seinäjoki.
The project was BTgoesARTsub-project of the theme project.
Hire a young person project
Project implementer: Nopankylä kyläseura ry
In the project, the young person organized five events for different target groups, and in addition he managed the marketing of the events and the summer kiosk.
The project was Youth summer work project sub-project of the theme project.
Development of Kaanaa Lines and Mural goes rural projects
Project implementer: Kyläseura Kaanaa ry
Nuori renewed Kaanaa Lines' website, planned and implemented marketing, managed social media channels and was responsible for print advertising. He developed cooperation patterns with the restaurant ship Barpuuri and was in contact with Etelä-Ostrobothnia Matkailu. The young person came up with the idea of a family cruise and organized a photo shoot for the children along the route of the riverboat. He translated the captain's commentary into Swedish and English, distributed flyers at events, handled customer service at the ship's departure pier, and processed online store customer feedback.
The main goal of the project was to involve especially children and young people in developing and improving their living environment with the help of art. It was a great success - about 100 children and young people contributed to working on the mural.
The project was BTgoesARTsub-project of the theme project.
Storytelling of Jaakko Ilka's playground
Project implementer: Ilmajoki Yrittäjät ry
In the project, the storytelling of Ilmajoki Jaakko Ilka's playground was carried out. In the playground you can get to know Jaakko Ilka's history and era.
The children's ideas were collected using the "dream playground" drawing task. The artistic details implemented in the park are the Jaakko statue, the story trail in Jaakko's footsteps and the tiling of the Oglai house. The project realized a permanent and visible recreation of the village image.
The project was BTgoesARTsub-project of the theme project.
Organizing and communicating events
Project implementer: South Ostrobothnia Youth Association
The young person hired for the project participated in the organization of the Satumaa week, taking care of social media marketing, designing posters and brochures, photography, post-information, preparing the premises and organizing a visual arts competition. He photographed and was in charge of cooking at Creative Lava Children's camps. During the Kulttuuribuumi week, he took care of the sound reproduction, photography and videography of two events, as well as post-production. In addition, he took care of the national costume rental office of the South Ostrobothnia Youth Association, arranging fittings, taking care of the condition of the costumes and receiving payments. The planned enthusiasm for the national project among young people was limited due to lack of time.
The project was Youth summer work project sub-project of the theme project.